What are we all thinking about this week?


Hello and welcome to 'THINK' this is where I will write about and discuss what has happened this week in the media, or a particular article which is of interest, a broadcast on radio or television, or just a general moan...and of course all opinions are welcome...

Not only will you have the pleasure of reading my rants, I will also me reviewing recent books and films.
I hope you enjoy reading my weird and wonderful thoughts....

Wednesday 19 January 2011


It has come to my attention that everyone and I mean EVERYONE has a twitter account, so obviously I had to have one.. only problem is that I don't have a clue how to use it! It absolutely fascinates me by just typing an '@' before a name you can them communicate with whoever you wish, whether it be Stephan Fry or Katie Price or even Barry up the road, everyone is connected and everyone is tweeting!
I have to admit, even though I don't fully understand it, I find extremely addictive because it moves at such a rapid pace, you could be happily tweeting one minute and then you look back up at your screen and you see 10 new updates possibly even more!
It makes me think, what was life like before Twitter, Facebook, Myspace (you see where I'm going with this) I was 15 years old when I created my Myspace account and the social networking phenomenon began there for me. Myspace evolved slowly in Facebook, and even though Facebook is currently in its prime I can slowly feel myself being sucked into the twittering world of twitter.